Holy Eucharist Service – Archbishop of Canterbury

The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Metropolitan of Church of Ceylon The Most Revd. & Rt. Hon Justin Welby the Head of the worldwide Anglican Church, presided at a special Service of Holy Eucharist at the Cathedral on 29th August 2019 in the presence of Rt. Revd. Dhiloraj Canagasabey, Bishop of Colombo and Rt. Revd. Keerthisiri Fernando, Bishop of Kurunegala. The service was conducted in tri-lingual form representing the unity of the different cultural groups of our country. His Grace, the Metropolitan, thanked all concerned for inviting him to address those present at the Cathedral.  He said he was accompanied by his wife, and colleagues to be in solidarity with our country and commented that the Easter attacks were a dreadful experience for all of us. He said he was humbled and blessed to be here with us today and thanked God for giving him this opportunity to visit us.

Click here to read more>> (Newsletter - October 2019)



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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury
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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury
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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury
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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury
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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury
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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury
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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury
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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury
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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury
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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury
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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury
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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury
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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury
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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury
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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury
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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury
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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury
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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury
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29/08 Holy Eucharist Service Archbishop of Canterbury